Postcard Party

I'm sending postcards to everyone and their dog. Send me your mailing address and I'll mail you one too!

For too many years, I was terrible at sending mail. Greeting cards of all sorts bought and forgotten, never having found the inside of a mailbox.

So when we were forced to socially distance due to the COVID pandemic, I thought it might be a good opportunity to get better at sending snail mail: Something to help connect with people in these dark, uncertain times.

I sent care packages to family, including a huge one to my mom, chock full of new and old photographs, recipes, a mask with pattern and all kinds of tea and treats and I sent other smaller packages and letters to other family members and friends.

And you know, I got really good at sending mail! I found a book of office humour postcards I’d purchased years ago and I began sending these to coworkers, friends – their pets, and strangers!

Needless to say, I’m going to continue sending these. Maybe even I’ll send one to you!

Would you like a postcard?

As I mentioned above, I’m sending these things all over and if you would like one, please fill out the form below or send your mailing address to